Goals of the Study

Extend the examination of interannual changes in the Kuroshio Extension and its recirculation gyre.
    Largest interannual SSH changes in the North Pacific are detected in the Kuroshio Extension. 
Compare/contrast the interannual changes between upstream and downstream Kuroshio Extension EKE. 
    Zonal-mean surface transport of the KE is correlated to changes in zonal-mean position of the KE (Qiu et al. 1991). 
    Changes in the energy transfers from mean to eddy associated with changes in the zonal-mean transport and position change the strength of the recirculation gyre (Qiu 1995). 
Assess how changes in the Kuroshio Extension affect regional wintertime SST 
    Area of maximum air-sea heat exchange is located where oceanic variability is also maximum. 

      January surface net heat flux climatology

    Large-scale fluctuations in the KE system could the alter upper-ocean heat budget and modify SST. 

    Latif and Barnett (1994, 1996) suggest that ocean-atmosphere coupling between SST anomalies in the KE region are essential for generating Pacific decadal oscillation.

Root-mean square SSH variability in the North Pacific Ocean from the T/P data of October 1992 to December 1998. 
    (a) The rms map based on the SSH anomalies after removing signals longer than the annual; period, and 

      (b) the rms map after removing signals shorter than the annual period.


    January surface net heat flux climatology over the North Pacific Ocean
    (daSilva et al. 1994)